Friday, December 18, 2015

                                BLOCK 6
     This class was a lot of fun i learned new typing skills and  i learned many other gadgets to write i met a lot of new people and i became Friends with them. But there was many down sides, for example there was to many time outs that kinda got annoying because you were trying to do your work and our because of a time out we did not Accomplish  our goals another thing that i did not like about this class was the typing tutor even though it does help a little not a lot, the time that we had to work on our typing tutor was a lot and i would like it if we did not have to do the typing tutor anymore. Another thing that i did not like is getting in trouble  for no reason. Another thing that i disliked was being constantly reminded about choosing the right i really dislike it i mean being reminded once a week is fine but almost every 5 minutes it gets kind of annoying but in all this class was a lot of fun and i would like to take it again next year.  

Monday, December 14, 2015

During my IDP I felt really nervous because I was not ready to present in front of strangers and I was not comfortable but to do you work you do not needed to be comfortable. At the beginning of the project I did not like it because I did not want to make a project out of a disease and especially when you could barely pronounce the name of the disease the name of the disease that my teacher assigned us was chronic obstruction pulmonary disease. 

Image result for mark twain always do right  What mark twain is trying to say is that no matter what situation you are in it is always important to do the right thing no matter what situation you are in you always do the right. Doing the right is always a very important thing to do and doing the right means always being honest and always trying your best. So no matter what always do the right.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

  What this quote means is that it is better to be alone and do the right thing than be drunk and not knowing what you are doing. It is better to have good company because if the people that you are around are doing the right thing that good stuff influences on you and  your providence is to do good in life. Another reason that shows why it is better to be alone than in bad company is because, if they are drunk and they get arrested and you are around them you will be arrested too even if you did not do anything wrong. That is it is more important to be alone than to be in bad company.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

  " if you do what is right,we have no need to fear"                                                         (Evan Stephan)
What Evan is trying to say is that if you have done all of your duties honest and right you do not have to worry about being in trouble. To do everything honest is by when you ask to take a test you do not copy. By being fair i mean if you are racing or in a competition you do not cheat just because you want to win. If you do all of these things you will not have to worry about all of the negative consequences but only worry about the positive ones. By being a good person you can avoid being in trouble because since you only do the things that are right you wont have to worry about bad things happening. And that is why being a good person is good.

Friday, December 4, 2015

     LOU         HOLTZ
“if the answer to these questions are yes there is no way you could fail.

Image result for lou holtz 3 rulesWhat Lou is trying to say is that if in your daily basis you follow these morals there is no way you could fail in life because that will make you trustworthy and a better person. And basically just follow the golden rules because treat other with respect and be kind because that will is how you would want other to treat you. And you always try your best in every situation because what matters is not the end result but how hard you tried. 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Image result for jfk“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks’ knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong”. (John F. Kennedy)
What the quote “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body; it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex. Much is not yet understood. But we do know what the Greeks’ knew: that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong”. (John F. Kennedy) say is that if you are mentally weak then you are going to be physically weak. And if you could get mentally strong than your physical body will be better because in your mind you are saying to yourself  i can do this and then your body responds with a good physical. So if you feel strong you are strong.

Image result for canada    When I grow up I want to live in Canada because it seems like a very calmed place and they say that the maple syrup is very tasty. Another reason why I would like to move there because a lot of people say that the residents are very nice and another reason y would go because it snows there. Another reason is because Canada has over 3,000 lakes which would give me lots of opportunities to go camping with friends. Another reason why I would go there is because the most popular sport is hockey and I would like to play it. Since i was a little kid i always wanted to move their because i always saw the commercials on my television of how great Canada was and i think that is why i want to move their if i ever get the Opportunity to live their i would take that chance. Image result for canada's mountainsImage result for canadian syrup

Monday, November 30, 2015

 What this quote means is that essence to greatness is kindness. If the world did not have kind ness it would be pure chaos. And most famous people are kind because they know that everybody loves kind people. Basically what it means is that if you know how to be kind you could be anything you want because you would make a great person out of yourself. 

For example, a lot of people that are kind and help those in need become doctors, lawyers, presidents and sometimes they could even receive a noble prize. That is why it is important to be kind.